It’s time to think Pure Cloud Solutions with your whole IT built 100% on the web
Your Business Applications can either be built exclusively on the web using cloud platforms such as Google Apps, or they can be integrated into legacy systems, bridging the gap between old and new information systems. Netkiller, a leading global cloud IT integration firm, specializes in building applications on the Google Apps platform as well as Pure Cloud Solutions augment your systems by building on your existing IT structures.
Here are a few cases of Pure Cloud Solutions:
Workflow Management: (English Caption)
This shows pure Google Apps workflow management systems developed for companies such as MS-Autotech and PHC Valeo. These systems run 100% on the web utilizing a Google Apps document based workflow, which guarantees security and function through Google’s Service Level Agreement (SLA), which sports a 99.9% uptime guarantee (the best in the industry), and extends to any application or system developed purely on the Google cloud. Its content and function are both secure whenever, and where ever there is access to the web. TaeKyu Lee, CEO of MS-Autotech Co., said “Google Apps give innovative communication with great security; pure Google Apps solutions keep our security strong under Google’s SLA.”
NICER Emergency Response System:
Forest Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corps (FHVAC) utilizes a Pure Google Apps solution called NICER (Netkiller Internet Cloud Emergency Responder) designed and developed for storing and dispatching ambulance response in a timely and efficient manner. NICER is built entirely on the Google Apps Cloud platform, providing for secure connections (again, 99.9% up time guaranteed). Because NICER is built purely on this platform, it runs within Google Apps for Education accounts without the need for third party applications. Alan Wolfe, the President of Forest Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corps, remarked, “Netkiller was able to design exactly what we needed to track our ambulance response. NICER is an easy, convenient and efficient tool that we can afford.” Because NICER is a cloud solution it can be accessed by multiple users from any Internet-enabled computer.
Custom Databases, Help Desks, and Inventory systems:
Specialized applications have been developed for organizations like NTI, which required secure SSO access to web applications for specified separate groups, a custom database that interfaces the mobile UI for data import to a mapping program for website displays, a flexible report generator for personnel, customers, and public safety, a custom online help desk, and applications integrating mail, messaging, and online access to files and collaborative materials as well as integration between customer and management applications. These web applications built by Netkiller, such as help desks and inventory systems, benefit from the security and reliability of cloud platforms like Google Apps. Localist, an organization dedicated to connecting students with events in an academic setting, is another organization that utilizes a help desk constructed on the web by Netkiller. The benefits of these systems moving onto the cloud is that they maintain top-of-the-line security, while also staying at the cutting edge of technology in terms of functionality and development.
These are only a few examples of pure cloud solutions that Netkiller has developed. The possibilities for application functionality are limitless. Beyond developing applications purely on cloud platforms, Netkiller can also work with existing ERP structures to integrate the newest technology into legacy systems. Organizations in any industry can benefit from the expertise of Netkiller’s specialists, whether an entirely new system is required, or a specific application must be integrated into existing systems.
Sungwook Jung, CEO of Netkiller said “Enterprise businesses need great security and stability as much as Google does. We help Enterprise customers to gain that security by going 100% Cloud with Netkiller’s Pure Google Apps based solutions. It’s the best way to protect a customer’s data against security risks.”
Netkiller is a Google Enterprise Solution Provider, Partner, and Google Apps Authorized Reseller. Netkiller currently services over 20,000 company accounts worldwide and has provided enterprise cloud solutions for such diverse industries as health care, automotive technology, and education, as well as many others.
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